
up early, not feeling broken, still a little lonely

So I have a lot to do today.  Normally, I’d sleep until 45 minutes before I needed to get started but I woke up with the alarm and stayed up for a change.  Yesterday or the day before if we’re being time specific (y’all the days are blurring together with the sleep issues), I sent

up early, not feeling broken, still a little lonely Read More »

Come Join My Circus, I’m Recruiting

I’ve been mulling this post over in my head for a few days.  I’m sure I’ve written something like it before but I haven’t the motivation to go track it down in a decade plus of writings.  I’ve been very slowly reengaging with my kinky self and in doing so have had a few things

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i have thoughts, lots of them, so buckle up

Prompt for yesterday: What lost art or etiquette lesson do you think would brighten service to your Dominant?  Honestly I don’t know.  Mr. Wolf was fascinated with the 50s house wife motif and it was one of my favorite dress up roles.  I love cooking and baking from scratch so that’s not something I’d struggle

i have thoughts, lots of them, so buckle up Read More »

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