merry christmas lol
i will post something with more substance later
merry christmas lol Read More »
okay so not really and hold on for a second let me see something. everytime i say i’ve been a bad bad girl i think of the video right above this. my days of breaking a boy just because i can have long since faded. i don’t deal with men that i can break or
i’ve been a bad bad girl Read More »
yeah my brain is going random on the maroon 5 lyrics. that’s track 9 on their first cd–songs about jane–not remember if there was a real jane but you kick ass if you exist because that cd is still fierce many moons after it was released. i have been listening to it again the last
i know i don’t know you, but i want you so bad Read More »
it’s been a busy weekend. i’m doing my crisis coverage which has been relatively tame. hopefully it stays that way over the next few days as there are a billion and one other things that need to have happen over that time too. the studying has been eye opening. i took my first post-test and
it’s quiet over this way Read More »
for those of you that visited my 360 blog lately you might be concerned about the blast that’s posted there but they are a few lyrics from the song that i’m about to post in a second. just as a warning the song is a bit angry sounding rap music for those of you that
and i deserve it. i haven’t intentionally not studied but with the lovely cramping and being on call i just really haven’t been focused on what i’m doing with my work. i will be able to buckle down again this weekend since i’m off call and have no standing engagements. i don’t have to leave
howdy folks. i haven’t meant to be back in witness protection but i have needed to take heavy doses of drugs this week to keep from shooting at people. my pain threshold is abnormally high except a few days a month. then i just want to sleep and eat and watch things that make me
welcome to the randomness redux Read More »
clearly i’m in a good mood today even though i missed Roaming Soldier earlier. i had a sorority meeting and He logged on in the middle of it. but i got four hours out of the house and missing good bonding time with mommy kins. the meeting wasn’t four hours lol but i was gone
welkom, willkommen, bienvenue, velkommen Read More »
you know it’s been a long few weeks. i have been heavily committed to things and instead of waffling when i could have weasled out i have stepped up as much as i could and handled things accordingly. this of course has meant i haven’t been home even when i wanted to be. i have
It’s so amazing to be loved Read More »
okay this post probably won’t be that long. i finished my desserts for tomorrow. an amaretto white chocolate pecan pie and muffins i made from my cream cheese poundcake batter. it ended up making twelve largish muffins and only cooked for an hour. i can remember that for small parties in case i need to