Author name: redvelvetaches

the ex-factor

It could all be so simple But you’d rather make it hard Loving you is like a battle And we both end up with scars Tell me, who I have to be To get some reciprocity No one loves you more than me And no one ever will the song lyrics up to the right […]

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waiting for daddy

ok so Emperor hates it when i call Him that but really that’s what i’m doing when i’m waiting for Him. we haven’t really talked since i bought my ticket to go visit. His sleep cycle seems more off than normal which was hard for me since i’m on call this week so i have

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je suis fatigue

Je suis le Maître si frustré. Vous m’avez appelé pour les semaines et il n’est pas arrivé. J’ai besoin de plus que le message immédiat occasionnel et je veux entendre Votre voix. Je ne peux pas être un bon esclave à Vous si Vous me gardez tout le temps si soucieux. Ceci n’est pas amusant

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return of the list

well i figured i should dust this off and revisit it now. the last time i put it up was mid august and we’re almost in october now. there will be some modifications i’m sure. i would like someone who is open and willing to train me to their SPECIFIC needs: eliminates confusion for me

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