i am awake, i have been because my mother woke me up at 10 lol, but that also meant i had gone nearly comotose the minute she went back to her bedroom. which meant, glory of glories—i slept alonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne. oh it was beautiful, wonderful, fantastic even. no kittens were destroyed but i had a lovely dream about making Emperor that happiest little sadistic dom on the face of the earth. i’m sure we had copious amounts of playtime but for once i really don’t recall any of that. i just remember the warm fuzzy feeling i had in the dream because He was staring at me in a way that made me assured that i had been a great pet. lovely feeling, lovely lovely feeling. now if i can just get Him in the same zip code i will have to bid you wonderful folks adieu. at least for the length of time that i can get that warm fuzzy feeling.
anyhoo, enjoy your 2006 and please don’t watch too much football lol. go make your own warm fuzzy feelings.
Good New Year wishes to you, Red Velvet. If you meet your man, don’t torpedo Him…..or have you changed??
i’m going to chalk up my confusion to sleep deprivation lol, why would i torpedo Emperor? or does that mean something other than what i’m thinking (and what i’m thinking is painful lol). good new year to you as well.