or i could have just as easily called this post someone please help me understand. if you love george. w. bush or think we are doing the right thing in iraq then i would advise you to stop reading right now. i haven’t gone full rant on this war ever but i’m feeling compelled to right now. this is your last warning. okay enjoy or fuck off really because this morning there is nothing anyone can say to justify the idiot in chief’s behavior.
a little over five years ago we were attacked. it was horrible, it was seemingly unprovoked and it was a tragedy. nearly three thousand people died because terrorists, individuals intent on destroying our very way of life, seized an opportunity and did the unthinkable. we were afraid and we wanted revenge. how dare they attack us? we’re the land of the free and the home of the brave. we repesent all that is good and wonderful about the world. we are the land of opportunity. how dare they? many of us are/were either unaware or so blinded by our pain and anger that we forget this country is hostile for many of its residents. we ignore them sleeping on the streets, we don’t care about those working welfare mothers, we aren’t doing a whole lot to make sure the elderly can afford their medication, food and housing; and we turned a blind eye to families that are abusive, living in rat holes and the like. we are the land of opportunity but we aren’t always committed to making sure everyone gets a chance for a better life. we forgot that though for one brief shining moment in grief–misery loves company right?
and then we did the unthinkable. we started attacking neighbors and friends and business owners because they were from “over there” and were likely supporting all that “jihad business” and started questioning people we had known for decades in some cases because we were afraid. but someone had to pay and well we couldn’t find bin laden. someone told us that would happen though and we waited and we waited and we waited and then all of a sudden we were attacking and old enemy because HE MIGHT sorta kinda have been helping the person we KNOW helped put that tragedy in motion. we invaded a country because they were SUPPOSED to have things that could kill us too–how they would deliver those things with shoddy technology and over that distance was never explained. all that matter was they HAD them and we HAD to stop them to protect OUR interests. we invaded and found nothing. we ousted a ruler and got nothing. we threw a country into chaos–but hey they are “free” now and all we have to show for it as of this morning is a 400 billion dollar bill, 132,000 troops currently deployed with 20,000* more troops the iraqi leader has said he DOES NOT WANT headed his way, 3000+ US troops dead, 10000+ (depending on your source) civilians dead in attacks gone awry, two seperate and a potential third troop incidents in which innocent civilians were murdered, a pitiful few terrorists cells decimated in comparison to what it has cost us, no strong evidence as to the whereabouts of bin laden, a region in turmoil, two splintered countries, countless widows, children without parents, parents without their children and a partridge in a pear tree. so do we have our revenge now? are things better than they were in 2001 that horrible day?
there’s no easy way to answer that. we’ve “freed” a country but have thrust it into chaos and short of a military presence there for the next decade and a half it is unlikely that the current situation will change much if at all. whether we like to admit it or not, the number of adequately trained troops here or abroad is not sufficient to secure either country. and while we haven’t had another terrorist attack on this soil since then our country is hurting more now and for a totally different reason. the families and friends of a 132,000 individuals worry each day will this be the day that i hear the unspeakable and now 20,000 more families and friends can join in that worry. compared to the size of the country it seems miniscule until it is someone you love and miss and want home with you. we were feeling better for a bit, i mean after all we won the thing that we refused to call a war intially–generally speaking though when you win you GO HOME after a reasonable time. we’re going into overtime now and the opposing team can’t really be beaten.
oh they can be killed. their resources can be cut off but there is an inherent difference between terrorists and us. their thought process and committment to our destruction even if it means sacrificing their own lives and welfare is a finally engrained ideal. it doesn’t die out because we take out bin laden’s number 2 man. that makes the ideal stronger as we are showing ourselves to be who they imagine us to be–aggressive dumb capitalists who are afraid of what might happen so we are gonna kill off the bodies. for every terrorist we kill we create another one because of their anger and desire for revenge. after all if they die in battle with the enemy they believe they get rewarded in heaven for the act. try as we might even the best of Christians isn’t running headlong into a building as a human bomb because God might give us a plusher pad in heaven. nor should we be, that’s some twisted mess but the fact of the matter is we can’t stamp out an ideal and for every person we might accurately identify we are missing someone that doesn’t fit the mold a la timothy mcveigh who SEEMED like an average american until he did the unthinkable.
so what did i spew all of this out for? well because it has been festering for a while–y’all know that Roaming Soldier is deployed and while sending 20,000 more folks MIGHT make it seem like He would get to come home what it most likely means is His tour will be much longer than either of us hoped. because i needed to say somewhere that we are losing this war, we will not win this tete a tete because we are not equipped for the battle the way we would have to be in order to HOPE to win. instead of letting fear motivate us (which i know someone will say i’m guilty of because i want Him home) or the desire to win or just the desire to not admit we might have been wrong we have to be honest with ourselves and the world. the mistake we made four or five years ago wasn’t failing to send enough troops. it was failure to properly assess a country and the potential for resistance, the claims being made by our fearless idiot and a general lack of recognition that a MIGHT isn’t a good reason to oust a ruler while looking for those folks that pissed in our cheerios. call me unpatriotic if you must but really i love this country and i respect the residents of it too much to say hey if we keep funneling troops in the region it will get better. it won’t there will just be more targets. the region has to want a new direction and clearly it doesn’t. insurgents are roaming freely and other countries are refusing to aid us one way or the other. we’re about “/” this close lol to losing our standing with the UN and if w or some of his cronies makes it through the rest of their lives without being tried for war crimes i would be shocked and amazed.
i remember waking up to phone calls to turn my television on because a twin tower was falling. i remember feeling extreme sadness for the families of those 3000 individuals that lost their lives. i remember thinking someone should pay but those most responsible were already dead. we didn’t deserve an attack and we won’t deserve another one when and if it occurs. but i also remember thinking once this war began that the folks that did it would be back when we were at our weakest and we better be ready. do you think we are ready? are the resources we need going to be there if another more gruesome attack were to take place? or whenever the troops come home for good and walk back into the lives of the 132,000 families and friends that are waiting on them will the country be so anti military that the resources are siphoned off? i don’t know but i do know that what the idiot in chief is planning to do tonight will most likely inspire a new generation of people that want to see us crumble and fall and will likely make a bad situation much much worse.
*20,000 troops on conditions allegedly makes me wonder why send in more when the iraqi leaders haven’t met the current timetables we have in place for them nor do they seem to be working real hard on reaching those goals.
if i may add my two cents,
first off the idiot & chief can suck a fat one & i am more than sure that sending more troops will most likely extend the stay of the troops currently serving their tours. which sucks for them and all of us they had to leave behind. & i personally don’t think we are ready how can we be? the idiot wants to send more of our home defense over there leaving our back door unattended i can’t wait til he is out of office. just my opinioin.
Wow, i missed a lot after i got hurt. How do you really feel?
thanks ladies