you know it’s been a long few weeks. i have been heavily committed to things and instead of waffling when i could have weasled out i have stepped up as much as i could and handled things accordingly. this of course has meant i haven’t been home even when i wanted to be. i have had to rush and do things for myself because other things were requiring much more of my time than i wanted. a lot of things have made me question what i’m doing and why. but today, well yesterday at this point, two different things made go well damn that’s why i do it.
to my utter amazement and gratitude to all the forces in the universe that made it possible but our sorority event went off with a few minor glitches but otherwise very smoothly. it was good, i liked my outfit and hair, folks thought i was cute which is always a plus and everyone there seemed to be having fun. we all pulled together as we should have and made it a good event. praise the Lord above for that one.
the second thing that happened was simple and precious and made me think of the title of this post. i got a mostly uninterrupted few hours to talk to Roaming Solider. after a long gap in between our last real conversation it was good to just be His little girl for a while. did we talk about anything earth shattering? nope not at all but i can’t say that we ever really do. it’s just us being mushy as my girls call it. but it’s the most amazing thing to know that someone somewhere loves you and wants to spend the rest of their time on this earth with you. i mean i know staying in love is hard and requires a lot of work and effort that a lot of folks aren’t always willing to put in. but at the same time the work doesn’t really seem like work if you feel perpetually in sync with the other person. He can’t necessarily read my mind but 90 percent of the time what is going on in His mind is going on in mind as well. that other 10 percent is just one of our brains catching up lol. i am a little under two weeks away from the anniversary of the day that changed my life in multiple ways. it could have been a day that was ruined for me lol as it started off with a “formal release” from a commitment that was only really keeping me in check and not us together. but by the time it was over i had the silliest goofiest grin on my face all because someone sent me a sweet and unexpected instant message. it was the most maginificent twelve hour emotional shift my brain has ever experienced lol.
i’ve been amply blessed this last year. i haven’t had Him home which would have been icing on the cake and really He might not be around. i’m difficult as hell to deal with and i think this time apart has kept me from bolting just because i haven’t been overwhelmed and frightened by the very real emotions that are being shared between us now. He is so wonderful, so amazing that i can’t ever imagine not being here or experiencing this love right now. i’ll see y’all later and for those that chat on yahoo with me please send me a message so you can see my new avatar ROFLMAO. ok y’all know i like to have music in the posts sometimes. the following link/window is a playlist i made for Him. tell me what y’all think.
It’s great to know you got a little bit of true warmth this week. š
thanks shon, that’s probably the best word for it
Love the playlist! just wanted to let cha know!
thanks glad someone other than Him liked it, He kept singing the first song to me when we spoke
very nice, thanks for sharing.