painkillers are your friends

last week was a pretty good week all things considered. we finally got some stuff straightened out at work. we will not be so incredibly short staffed in the fall that i feel the need to slap someone upside the head. there are some other things going on that i’m not happy with but we can’t get everything we want when we want it. of course i’ve known that for at least a year now as i have wanted Him home and instead have had to be content with letters, emails and instant messages. the periods in which we haven’t been able to talk have gotten longer and more difficult to tolerate on a day to day basis. but those moments in which He’s all mine again, no matter how brief they are, have been incredibly wonderful. over the last two weeks, those moments were more frequent than they have been in quite a while. after that long conversation on Tuesday that made lots of men smile, He was able to talk to me again on Thursday. couldn’t even tell you what we talked about at that point but it made me very happy just to be still and bask in our feelings. those are GREAT moments.

which is probably why i wasn’t as cranky as i normally get when the pain is about to hit like a ton of bricks. i knew it was coming because i get testier when i’m driving and i just start wanting lots of unnecessary things to eat. sometimes are better than others but really for about 5 days i just am eternally grateful that i have really strong prescriptions that i can ingest as i need to and that really do make sitting upright possible. for some reason the dose this morning is taking longer than i would like to kick in but i’m still able to do this instead of cursing apples and snakes and stupid people for doing stuff they shouldn’t have done. well if you believe that’s the cause lol. i have something i should be getting dressed now but i have some time so i’m going to sit here and remember that some nice man in the desert loves the mess out of me.

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