Prompt for today: Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. Maybe but everyone doesn’t serve, doesn’t want to serve and wouldn’t take direction on how to serve.
Prompt for tomorrow: D/s is a graded activity, levels to accomplish, there is unacceptable behavior and performance. Meh I guess.
Prompt for Tuesday: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. I can’t because my mother would end up homeless and I would disappear into the world never to be found again.
Prompt for Wednesday: Go where you are celebrated not tolerated. This is harder for me to do as well. So many people don’t understand me and that’s mostly because I have not let them get close. And I don’t feel bad about keeping them at a distance because I watch them and when they approach versus when they do not. When I have something them some people are all in, when I don’t there’s radio silence.
Prompt for Thursday: Growth means change and change involves risks. This is true, about to risk some things to make it happen.
Prompt for Friday: Blessed to discover whom and how to serve. If my life were different then I would maybe agree.
Prompt for Saturday: How much fun is it to corrupt and defile the young heart. Inspiration inspires much more devotion than corruption but I guess it depends on what you are looking for.