Almost a Prince song: 16 Days In

Yep I know this is early but I’m gonna be damn near dead to the world tired when I get home.  When was the last time you made yourself a priority?  If you don’t remember the last time, why haven’t you?  This won’t take as long I think because at least twice a month I make me a priority in small ways.  Yes they cost me a little bit of money but it’s worth it to have someone else wash and style my hair because I also get a good giggle in for those hours.  And then usually the week after that I go get a ninety minute massage because it makes my life so much better.  I don’t fuss at people and I don’t overeat usually on either night.  If I could do that, while also managing my diet and working out regularly and sleeping on a schedule life would be cake.  As it is, there’s at least a muffin involved.  I love me and I know that I need to take care of me.  I don’t always and that’s my frustration.  I also made ice cream for me tonight–totally forgot about that.  Regardless, making me a priority in short bursts isn’t my issue.  It’s the long term pronounced putting myself first so that I can do everything else better keeps eluding me.  I agree to work later because I don’t want a colleague trapped on narrow roads late at night.  That means I don’t work as many days though so that’s kinda prioritizing me.  Ahh well, I do it, possibly not enough and since I’m single there’s no one to balance that against. 

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