nearly took the day off

i almost didn’t write anything today. i had gone to a meeting early in the day and came home very very tired. i tried to nap but people kept calling. so i woke up and got some ice cream then did my roaming of the internet. i am doing relatively well but i think i’m in a bit of a funk. i had a great morning actually. got reconnected to members of one of my organizations and that was a good feeling overall. i heard from an old friend and that was nice. he entertains me greatly i swear. and all the communication and connection is good for someone that has high relational needs but it’s not the person i wanted to be speaking to so it wasn’t as sastfying as it could have been.

i know that’s unfair to the people that reached out to me and entertained me this afternoon but yeah i would much rather be curled up with Him. but i don’t know what He’s doing or why i haven’t heard from Him either. i know He said He was taking a net hiatus but the phone works nicely. i’m just a little lonely sub right now lol. things will be better soon i’m sure. let me go back to roaming

3 thoughts on “nearly took the day off”

  1. Hummm… I know that feeling… when He was travelling more, I had friends coming by… but couldn’t pay them attention, or even enjoy their presence, they were only annoying me… All I wanted was to be alone, on my computer and chat with Him…
    I wish you’l have news soon…;-)

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