okay explain to me why i posted an ad looking for a sub that Emperor and i could share and all i’ve been getting are replies from men that would love to take me off of Emperor’s hands? i mean damn can we self destruct (if we’re going to) before you try to slide up in here? besides we have already discussed this. yes i can let anyone be my dom but i want Emperor to be my dom see how those things are not compatible. at least not for the immediate future. i don’t get excited when i hear anyone else’s ringtone on the phone. i get excited because He’s ready to toy with me and damn it i like the way He does it. now if i could just somehow manage to get Him closer to me on a regular basis you’d never hear another complaint from my lips unless they were chapped from well nevermind.
my caseload today was light so that was good but the one person that came in is struggling because of Katrina. i can’t even imagine what she’s going through on one level but we worked and thought of all the things her family could use if we can get them to it. i was happy to help but it made me take a minute and regroup and remember what i had to be thankful about. now i’m sure someone will piss me off and make me forget but until then i’m glad i’m where i am and all of my people are safe.