and i have nothing to do. no one is posting on my message boards. well they are posting on one but it’s mad drama to put it politely. i cannot breathe right. i haven’t talked to Emperor in the last few days, i know He’s okay, things were just going so cutely i wanted to keep that energy moving. save a random text we haven’t said much of anything to one another since then. i’m enjoying my work but there’s not a whole lot to look forward to when i get home. i am going to handle some business on friday evening and saturday morning but it’s not the type of business i’d like to be taking care of. i found the new age shop in town too. they have some interesting classes but i’m most interested in their massages. i’d kill for a good massage right now.
i found my prince necklace that i thought was lost in the sands of time. it was lost in a hole in my back pack. i’m such a dumbass lol. and i love the way my painting looks in my office now. i miss my father guys. really i do. i’m just rambling now so i’m gonna go. i did enjoy my pedicure and manicure today but not as much as normal. and i may be headed to negril to witness a collaring. i think that would be cool. i wonder if Emperor would be interested in going with me. oh well ttfn.
—red velvet