I went to bed last night thinking about how to let go of old emotional entanglements that were no longer serving me. I fully intended on making a side trip while I was in in the city I get my hair done in but the plan took a swift detour. Earlier today I got a text from one of the few kinky people I know that has my number. They were apologizing to me about “what happened” with Mr. Wolf. My brain already understood what they meant but I had to ask for clarification. But in general when I hear from folks I don’t talk to regularly that means someone we jointly knew and that I cared about was gone. The last time I spoke with him it was because I had a feeling he wasn’t doing well. Or to be more precise I was worried he was having an issue. We didn’t discuss what it was but he thanked me for checking in and assured me he was on the mend. That was months ago. And this morning I wasn’t thinking he was no longer here. I was just thinking about waking up and slowly getting ready. I’m not shocked but I am sad for his family and those he was involved with now. I didn’t appreciate how things ended but I didn’t want him to be unhappy or unwell. We learned things from each other. Most important was that we were not meant to be an epic love story. But even that is a good thing to know. There are lots of words that could be shared but they would likely ring hollow to most people reading this. I wish his spirit safe travels and peace for those who loved him.