last year was complicated the finale

so you’ve heard about work and you’ve heard about my relationships.  just an update about me and i can’t say this will be all that long.  January marked the six month point in growing out my locs.  They were healthy but still a little thin and of course not completely settled.  They look amazing now so i’m loving that i went that route and my hair is happy and healthy.  My weight went up and down and by the end of the year i just didn’t give a crap cause i was tired.  Last year was another just give it a try and see what happens thing.  i took a Dutch class and i’m signed up for part two this spring.  i cooked a lot more and experimented with different recipes.  i signed up for a mystery vacation so someone else plans my trip and i just go.  i rocked out at a P!nk concert and bought tickets for two concerts this year, Jill Scott and Maroon 5, and may get a few more in.  i got rid of things and decided to try drum lessons which started this month.  Like i’m happy.  i realized tonight after coming in for the day that i’m legitimately happy and i can’t say when i felt like that last.  Maybe i needed to write this to cleanse last year but it feels like a lot of heavy things have been shed.  So yeah that’s everything.  i doubt you have any questions but if you do fire away.

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