Unexpected Blessings

So it’s been a while since I posted.  After my last semi smutty post a lot happened.  I was in gear for my kinky vacation and was thrown a curve ball when my intended PP told me they likely wouldn’t be available the entire weekend.  Well that sucked and I’ll admit to being more than a little frustrated.  I even looked at replacement options for PP but really I wasn’t in the mood to break in a new playmate so I wasn’t searching too hard on that one.  I regrouped, opted to drop a few things from my luggage, packed the condoms and Hitachi just in case I was playing alone the whole weekend, and then scheduled a massage after confirming lunch with an old friend from college.

My flight was uneventful even if it took forever to get picked up and checked in to the hotel.  After realizing my friend was on the other side of town we put off lunch till maybe dinner or lunch the next day and I went off for my massage.  It was FANTASTIC, loved it, would have packed him up and brought him home if possible.  As I was heading into the massage I got a text from PP who was somewhat free that evening.  We did catch up, drank a bit and then, like normal, I was suddenly naked and PP was suddenly giving me a great impression of tall, dark and mind fuck.  I won’t get into details but I was so sore when he left that the water from the shower made me scream out. 

green lantern traveled in with unexpected gift number two who for the purposes of this posts we’ll call Hungry PP.  They got there in time for us to head over to the play party which was small and folks were quite friendly.  After giving my best school girl impression, watching green enjoy a lovely flogging, grabbing a bite to eat and heading back to the room I was pretty sure it was bedtime.  HPP was not of that mindset lol.  For the next three hours I was sucked, spanked, licked and fucked until I must have fallen asleep.  I was allowed about 90 minutes of sleep before HPP was ready again and we kept that up off and on till I showered and left for the airport a few hours later.  I was sore until this morning.  Considering I had no plans on getting fucked at all after Tuesday coming home with sore muscles and throat was not anticipated and a wonderful add on to the short trip.

I learned two things this weekend.  Well maybe more than two but two for sure.  One: people are capable of surprising the absolute hell out of me and actually become briefly that kind of person that makes me wet and weak and whimper and wanton.  Two: Dutch Dom had been trying to explain to me that some of the things he wanted to do to me were not about me or my pleasure.  If I enjoyed them that was fine but it was really about his pleasure and his want.  Well HPP drove that point home and then some.  I have been wonderfully blessed to know a number of men who were not only gifted at eating my pussy but who seemed to relish it and could stay between my thighs as long as I’m able to withstand it.  However, after so many convulsions I either would be trying to suck them down my throat and push them away from me or be so wet and sticky they felt a need to fuck me.  Being pinned down and tongue fucked repeatedly literally blew my brain.  I got to return the favor and a few nuts later I was pinned into the bed again lol.  Some combination of that happened until I left and I will say I greatly greatly enjoyed the experience very little of it felt like it was about what I wanted versus HPP getting as sated as possible before I left. 

If I could have gotten some mix of the two for the next few days that would be flipping fantastic.  To be honest I haven’t been used in so long that I was probably about yeah close to being prostituted.  If PP had returned in the middle of the night with his friends I would have let him/them do whatever the hell he came up.  When, I found out he wasn’t going to be available to hurt me on Saturday I was a bit disappointed but as he threw off my game Friday I was ok with that on one hand.  I was people watching and taking in the copious amount of breast and nipples that were on display.  I’d totally be a dude if it meant I had more access to breasts but really I have my own and girls tend to let me lick or touch them without it being a terrible issue.  I was enjoying the scenery so much that I was clearly sticky when I went to the restroom right before we left.  I was sure I was going to stain my Donna Reed skirt on the way back to the hotel cause there were visible cum stains in my ruffled panties. 

It was a much needed excursion, distraction, and orgasm filled weekend.  I also learned that a VERY old playmate is holding on to something that just makes me giggle now.  That’s for another conversation though.  The next question really is who gets to play with me next: Dutch, PP, HPP or another lucky man who can make me weak when he makes me hurt?  Any guesses or suggestions?  I know what I want but that could be super complicated to pull off lol.

2 thoughts on “Unexpected Blessings”

  1. red, it was great to see you!!!!!!
    It was great to get my voyeur own, too.
    It was definitely great to experience a series of floggers.
    i'm so glad that the weekend was enjoyable to you as well! The only deterrent my way was the drive – only wish i could've flown.
    – green

  2. LOL the drive probably really sucked for you. I was tired and my body was sore and all I really had to do was a 90 minute trip home–including a stopover for Chinese. I thought we had woken you up a few times before you actually were up. Glad you enjoyed the show.

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