okay so i had to be a little vain there. and of course that is a bit of thievery from the similarly (but not identically) titled george michael album. the last of the three letters He wanted me to put together into a word (w-h-y) has been posted and i can leave the smut alone for a while which i’m sure will delight at least one person. He will be likely redoubling my spanking count which okay i deserve after these three being strung together. for those of you that were wondering what happened to her punishment now ya know. okay moving on so that someone doesn’t try to shoot at me.
first things first. i cleaned up my blogroll a bit. for one i wasn’t visiting them and there were a plethora of dead ones there as well. plus i needed to update the link for mija so i didn’t keep clicking a link that didn’t work anymore lol. i’m slow sometimes. congrats are in order for d who just welcomed her first grandbaby into the fold. let’s see what else is going on. not a lot really. i spent the day relaxing after sending some stuff i ordered back. mom is okay and i’m okay. i talked to Roaming Soldier a few days ago. it was nice to be doted on from a continent or two away lol.
nothing else to update you on. i hope everyone is good off in blogland. i’ll talk to you in a few.