call me slow and color me tres etonnant

okay i have added a few new folks to the blogroll over the last twenty-four hours. both of whom i’ve been reading for a while so i have no earthly idea why they weren’t on there before. first for his very very intriguing cell phone slave stories that led to a protracted kitten killing session late last night, the erotiterrorist shon richards is now linked up and ready for your perusal. and the second link is from one of the few adult bloggers who recants her deeds, very skillfully i might add, while also being brave enough to have her photos out with the tales rachel kramer bussel has also been added to the blogroll. and i have to thank her for the influx of traffic to the rope since this article briefly mentioned the goings on here. welcome to everyone that followed the link in from there and feel free to click all around. the Dom’s favorite piece of smut is C is for Cookie (look under collected smut) but all of them are usually well received.

umm back to the erotitterrorist for a moment. i have to give him incredible kudos for making my normal instant gratification orgasm falter repeatedly because i wanted to see what was going on next with Amaya and Wesley. i’m sure Roaming Soldier will be quite impressed by that lol because i’m hard pressed not to get off when i talk to Him when i’m in my office. depending on when the next client is i might just indulge and make sure i give myself time to not appear flushed and a bit disheveled. i try not to do that too often though otherwise i’ll just quit going to pick them up when they check in to the center. okay well enough of this before another poor litter of kitties departs the earth. have a good night boys and girls.


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