okay so i’m clearly updating the blog, the post before this one is full of blogthings that i took over the last 30 minutes. i was going to put after the 8 minutes post but it didn’t seem to be necessary really lol. okay enjoy them and note the results of the last quizzlet and know that RS fits the bill perfectly. so on to this post and why it’s 9 minutes as opposed to 8 lol.
RS and i have been exchanging emails sporadically the last few days since the other means of communicating wasn’t available to us. last night he sent me a message which i missed due to the server and my own drowsiness. i woke up, thankfully and caught him before he went to bed. so i went to be happily thinking of RS and knew that he was thinking about me. this morning i got to my office and was flipping through housing magazines when that window popped up from him and i started reddening lol. seven hours after we said night he was making me smile again. we talked briefly till he had to run off for inspection or drill or something. that part was less crucial to me than the fact that the person on my brain popped up and said hello when i was both free (never a sure thing in the morning) and when i wanted to hear from him the most (always a sure thing–the morning and the evening are the times i want him most lol). so two more conversations, dozens more kisses, at least another minute in heaven.
love ya guys oodles