okay so it’s really late and as a result this may be a short post. we talked tonight. probably one of the last nights we will this week since He is going out of town this weekend. back to where i used to live actually for an event. of course i’ll miss Him but i’ll also be busy this weekend so i doubt it will be that intense. i told Him how i was feeling and at least for the moment He was receptive. we agreed not to let things fester and to talk to one another when needed. again i’ll always be the more talkative one. it’s what i do for a living after all but simple things like Him saying He was also frustrated by the distance between us was comforting. my needs aren’t always in sync with His and especially this last week as i was pms’ing it didn’t help at all. we seem to be better and connected for the moment. i’m not sure how long it will last. we firmed up dates for my trip and the sleeping arrangements which led to an odd conversation i won’t get into now. it felt nice and safe being His pet again. i hope it doesn’t fade off quickly.
i dreamt about Him yesterday. we were scening. He had me bound tightly and was forcing Himself down my throat. i sighed as He stroked my face and told me He had a surprise for me. before i knew it i was basically dangling from the ceiling as He moved around me spanking various parts of my body till i started moaning and screaming and orgasming wildly. He let me rest long enough to nut in my mouth. He let me slide down onto our bed and proceeded to fuck me wildly until we both feel asleep. i woke up a short while later. maybe it was foreshadowing the trip. ahh well let me retire for the night. thanks to all those that are visiting.
Le maître, avec tout mon coeur que je Vous suis consacré et Votre bonheur ; plaire ne pas employer improprement le cadeau qui m’est.
Wow!! That’s a dream!!! ;-))
I never remember my dreams… I’m probably missing some interesting stuff…;-)
it was a nice dream, i have to add to the blog today, He was in another one today