Last week I told you I was angry and this week well I’m just tired. I have been busy as usual and between the last post and this one I’ve hopped four planes and driving four hours on top of my normal working and commuting schedule. And I added in tennis lessons which I’ve wanted to do forever because I get semi obsessed with the sport for the summer months when most of the majors are played. All in all it’s been a hectic six days. It hasn’t even been a week yet but provided it doesn’t rain I’ll get in my fourth lesson for the week and rest on Friday. I’m also going in for a quick wash and set so someone else can nurture my hair and I can sleep good and hard with clean loved on hair.
It’s two weeks until my trip though and I’m super excited about that. It will be the first big break of the last full year and it will be somewhere I have to go and enjoy life and liberty and the pursuit of entertainment. As I’m working on getting ready for that and have been reading my book What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding, I have realized that I am one of those people that doesn’t really doesn’t do what you are supposed to do in the place you are supposed to do it. I’m tired of being that person as well. I want to really experience life on this trip. I want to see the tourist things and the non tourist things. Check out life at a different speed and hopefully have a good time. Well fuck the hopefully. I will have a good time damn it.
And I’m tired of something else if I’m going to be honest. I have really good friends who I don’t always reach out to when I should. One of them sent me a box of things she had been collecting for me from events and sent a very sweet note to tell me she was thinking about me. I can fall off the grid when I get busy sometimes which isn’t always fair. But there are people that I do reach out to and don’t get back the same energy I’m willing to put in. I may pull back but I’m easy to reengage sometimes. Right now though I’m tired of trying to figure out what I need to do with some relationships in my life. I am just tired of not getting it right. So the folks I care about are about to get an overload of red. Everyone else will get super duper entertaining but not effusive red. Folks that I give two fucks about well that’s all you’re getting so I hope you enjoyed it lol.
On that note I’m going to lay it down soon. Hope you have a great rest of your week and I will definitely be trying to do the same thing. Miss ya love ya and I will be soon singing a love song to my pillow.